Crimson & Chamomile

Crimson & Chamomile

Tuesday 19 May 2015

Where is May Going - Where We Headed - Struggling but Less is More.

We headed to summer.

We headed to better things.

Peaceful things.

Stylish things.

More affordable things.

We headed to Eco friendly is hot.

We headed to Less Waste is sexy in every-way.




Creating a better environment for our children, a better day-to-day for ourselves.

We in a minimal-istic evolution.

With a focus on current fashion, personal style, saving, spending, and well-being, for ourselves and offspring.

For the next 12 months. I, Parker, commit to thee following:

1) Re-using the Used. And, at times, Making New with Fine Touches. 

This includes clothes, furniture, decor. Value Village, and all Thrift stores a like will be a good friend. As will Kijiji, craigslist, and, as Ottawa welcomes back this girl after 3 long years, Trendtrunk will also stay in my back pocket although the demographic location wise will not be the most ideal. Fine touches to any pieces need stay at a cost less than 50 per month. To hold myself accountable, receipts will be posted. Sick, eh!

I will continually struggle with impulse and the anticipated psychological high of buying something new. 

2) Eliminating Waste, which Eats the time, Space and Energy I need for Other Things.

This again includes clothes, furniture, decor, but it also includes beauty products, makeup, and food (i.e. do I really need another massive tub of protein powder, NO). This means organizing,  this means letting go of emotional attachment. This means giving back, donating, working with consignment shops, online and otherwise.

I will continually struggle with emotional attachment to certain pieces or products of no value or purpose in my space. 

3) Staying true to myself, which means Continuing to Stay Current on Fashion, and Translating it to my own Style in a Unique, Environmentally-Conscious Way.

While, effective immediately, I have restricted myself in terms of spending amounts, spending locations, and clutter, I refuse over these next 12 months to be restricted in terms of my passion for fashion and the joy it can bring when done right. I will continue to sift through fashion blogs and mags, stores, pinterest, and social media for inspiration. My outfit will never be the exact same as yours, but your creative mind allowed mine to be and exist, so gracious. While the challenge of making old to new may be fun on its own...

I will continually struggle with the virtue of patience,  namely, to wait for the piece that is meant to be to transpire in an environment more in line with my goals for myself - not topshop, not - tear.

The journey will occur on here.

I encourage you to follow as a reader, and as part of a movement.

Is less more - will this be fulfilling - or will this be 12 months of practical hell.

Day One: Eliminating Wardrobe Clutter: Separating Donations from Consignment from Anxiety.

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